Month: August 2014


Back To School Lunches and Snacks…

Children all over the Northern Hemisphere will begin school this week. College kids have already moved into college campuses all over the country — and sandwich season for the academic year has begun. As a mother of four, I have to be creative every day to think up new and […]

Main Dishes, meat, Shavuot


I love the whole summer outdoor eating experience.  I really enjoy BBQ’s and picnics, and the eating outdoors concept is fabulous and exciting to me.  However, in New York, due to our climate, we have a limited time-frame to enjoy BBQ’s and eating outdoors.  Because I love BBQ food so […]

Popular Recipes

Blueberry Cinnamon Pie

In Jewish communities across the globe we have been busy helping the people of Israel during their time of need.  A lot of amazing fundraisers are being conducted to help all kinds of people in Israel who need assistance, such as children in S’derot, wives of chayalim, wounded chayalim, and […]